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Natural healing

Life is happening at such a fast pace, full of deadlines, demands and frustrations, with little time for you to rest. For many, living with some kind of stress has become a way of life. However living in a state of stress is not healthy, nor is it sustainable and this is when your mind and body pay the price. Having an understanding of stressors, the emotions around them and knowing where and why they originated can bring about great healing. Often it helps us to see the issue in a different way. There are many healing modalities that can help you cope naturally.

In holistic healing we recognise that balance is our body’s natural state. Our bodies have complex and powerful healing systems that are continually balancing to maintain life and health.

ICEBERGspaceEvery choice, every experience, has contributed to your current state of health. The symptom is only the tip of iceberg (10%) peeping out of the water. The rest of the storey lies hidden underneath.

Similarly so much of our ‘make up’: our belief systems, emotions, unconscious habits and trauma present in the body as well as our genetic patterns are not visible to any allopathic practitioner for a correct diagnostic of our afflictions. Yet, often a course of treatment is prescribed based on a diagnosis made on only 10% of the information presented: symptoms of the dis-ease due to the imbalances in the body.

Energy medicine research has discovered these very symptoms are usually caused by the 90 % that we cannot see.

We take into account past illnesses ,surgeries ,infections, stress , trauma both emotional and physical, that lie hidden underneath making you feel unwell. Things that you have long forgotten about are still playing a huge a part in how and why feel like this today. It is all part of your storey & your journey through life so don’t blame yourself.

This must be addressed to allow your body to heal on all levels. When the backlog is cleared the symptom pain or illness( tip of the iceberg ) melts away too when the underlying causes are addressed.

You CAN clear the blocks and barriers so you can accomplish your goals, tap into your inner resources and feel your best. I use gentle yet powerful wellness techniques that unlock your bodys innate healing ability to enhance your health and vitality.


Body space When we are under stress, mentally, emotionally or physically, our body talks to us through symptoms or dis-ease. This is the messenger that our body uses to focus our attention to the fact that we are not living fully. Disease or dis-ease results from blocking the flow of life and symptoms are the body‘s way of dealing with the blockage. Treating the symptoms is like killing the messenger for bringing bad news. By treating symptoms we are stopping the body from expressing that we are unable to adapt. Your body is literally talking to you. So the symptom is not the problem it is merely the messenger.

Therefore it is important to find out what the message is and what area of your life it is telling you about!
NeckspaceFor example, have you ever loved and lost? While the relationship was going well, you had abundant energy, could stay up late, eat junk food and yet felt on top of the world. Then, when the relationship fell apart, you suddenly felt unworthy / depressed /hopeless / angry ... and you got physically ill, perhaps in the form of back pain or neck pain. What was the real cause of the pain? Something you did physically “wrong”? Or was it perhaps an outer manifestation of your internal state that affected your physical body? In the above example, if we just worked on the muscles of the neck and back, we may be missing the real cause, i.e. the person’s inability to adapt to the new circumstances in the relationship. In other words it is important to see the pain, “disease” or negative patterns as a messenger.
3 Men


kinesiology spaceKinesiology is a natural therapy that recognises the importance of body, mind and spirit.

Kinesiology uses muscle feedback as a stress monitor, to identify and correct imbalances in the persons structural, chemical, mental, emotional and energy systems. More importantly it addresses the connection between these systems.

A qualified Specialised Kinesiologist can help you with pain, emotional issues, relationship or financial problems, learning difficulties, food sensitivities or allergies and much more.

A Kinesiologists works with the message behind the symptoms!

back Kinesiology uses the Triad of Health. That is Chemical, Mental and Structural factors that balance the major health categories. The Triad of Health is interactive and all sides must be evaluated for the underlying cause of a problem. A health problem on one side of the triad can affect the other sides. For example, a chemical imbalance can cause mental symptoms.

By correcting these imbalances, the kinesiologist is able to re-activate the bodys built in healing ability as well as identifying external factors affecting the clients well-being.

kinesiologyspaceTreatments may involve specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian and acupuncture skills, clinical nutrition, dietary management, counselling skills, evaluating environmental irritants and various reflex procedures. Kinesiology has a number of elements in common with other established natural and medical therapies, in some cases sharing a common ancestry with Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Acupuncture.

BackspaceThe human body is self-regulating, and self-healing. This means that in order to survive, our body must maintain balance and is constantly monitoring itself and the environment via our nervous system and making the appropriate adjustments and changes. The cerebellum, the “computer” in the brain, is responsible for these adjustments and responses are sent between the muscle and brain via the nerve pathways. However sometimes we are unable to adjust and respond in an appropriate way, especially when stressed and then the signals between body and brain become unclear. This shows up as a change of muscle response that is abnormal via muscle testing.

A specialised kinesiologist tests a person’s muscle and monitors the response of that muscle test and in doing so is able to find out where the person is not coping or is unable to adapt in their life

Specialised Kinesiology College of South Africa
For more info go to www.kinesiologysouthafrica.co.za


BodyTalk As WholeHealthcare, BodyTalk understands the profound influence our psychology has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom, BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness or discomfort by addressing the whole-person and their whole-story. A BodyTalk treatment will stimulate your innate healing ability, which then powerfully activates your body to heal at a deep and lasting level.

BodyTalkspaceYour practitioner uses the BodyTalk Protocol Chart to determine the weakened or broken energy circuits in your bodymind complex that are being highlighted by your innate healing wisdom. Once an energy circuit is identified, any additional details that are relevant are determined. Your BodyTalk Practitioner will link these destination points in the sequence indicated, thereby constructing a “formula” that describes the energetic circuit that will be re-established.

Tapping on the body to get it to focus on healing has been used by some indigenous holistic systems, such as yoga, for centuries. For BodyTalk specifically, tapping on the head tells the brain to “fix” the faulty communication circuit and the heart to “store” the fix, then the "gut" brain or enteric nervous system is also tapped to initiante digesting and integrating the new blueprint of the upgrade on a very deep level. This activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body’s own ability to restore and maintain its optimum health.

Da Vinci man
For every malfunctioning energy circuit or formula found, you or your practitioner may hold the corresponding “points” with your hands, in order to help provide focus. You may also breathe deeply, as this helps your brain scan the body to locate the imbalances. The practitioner then lightly taps you on the top of the head, which stimulates your brain and causes it to initiate corrections to the broken circuits. This is similar to how the CPU of a computer runs the programs and makes all the calculations.

Your practitioner then taps you on the sternum to “save” the corrected energy circuit in the heart center and to share this information with every single cell in the body. The heart is responsible for communicating the state of the body’s health to the rest of the body through the heart beat. This means that your body will remember these changes after the session, just like hitting the save button on a document will save changes to the computer hard drive so you can access them again later.

What does a BodyTalk session look like?

BodyTalk space
  • Fill out an intake form.
  • Client typically lies on a massage table, face up, and fully clothed.
  • Practitioner usually sits or stands at your side and uses your arm for biofeedback.
  • BodyTalk practitioners are experts at listening to the needs of the body and works with the natural healing response.
  • Total length of a session ranges from 30-60 mins.


Learn this simple but powerful technique to balance the brain and stimulates the body’s self-healing potential.

Here is some theory behind the technique:
BodyTalk Cortices: Theory, Focus & Intent (Part 1/3)
BodyTalk Cortices: Theory, Focus & Intent (Part 2/3)
BodyTalk Cortices: Theory, Focus & Intent (Part 3/3)

Here is a demostration of the technique. Try this 30-day challenge for yourself.

For more info go to www.bodytalksystem.co.za

About me

I have a Certificate in Basic Kinesiology Principles. I am currently studying to obtain my International Diploma in Kinesiology at the Specialised Kinesiology College of South Africa which is an affiliate of the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice.
Also a student of Bodytalk.
Completed a B.Sc. Mathematical Sciences degree with major in Psychology.
Diplomas in Herbalism and Medicinal Herb Growing

Tel: (+27)83 799 7956
Kempton Park, South Africa
